




商丘手表表蒙萧邦Undoubtedly very many women were much better off apart from their husbandst any rate, they had some peaceut mostly they lived lives of unremitting toil and partial, if not actual, starvation. On the whole, th Act, which was quite necessary and inspired by good intentions, has not proved satfactory. But married men began to ask, Why cannot we have[Pg 30] separation orders against habitually drunken wives

The principle had been admitted, and sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander. Joan had been protected Darby must have equal rights. And Darby got them, with something added. The Licensinut him right, or rather wrong. Under some provions of th Act habitual drunkenness in case of either husband or wife became a sufficient reason for separation, and police-courts became more than ever divorce-courts for the poor. But Darby came best, or rather worst, out of th unseemly matter, for there was no need for him to leave h wife and h home before applying for a separation. He might liveets. But it far different with some husbands, whose lives and habits have conduced to, if they have not actually caused, their wives inebriety to them the Act a boon, and they are not backward in applying for relief. I have elsewhere given my views as to the working of these special clauses, but I again take an opportunity of saying that the whole proceedings are founded in stupidity. In action they are cruel, and in results they are demoralizing to the individuals concerned, and to the State generally. All th the more astounding when one realizes that the Act might easily have been made a real blessing and it more astounding still when the temper and tone of society considered.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

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保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


保养腕表秘诀 4 真皮表带


保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
