




信阳手表秒针摔掉了雅克德罗Ralph inspected narrowly the trees which grew on both sides of the track eventually he seemed to find what he needed, namely, two stout young saplings facing each other with about twenty feet intervening between them.

Then he rode slowly home, and in the evening h rustic friends assembled again, at h summons, in the taproom of the inn, where he gave them h final instructions.

To Susan he said nothing of the scheme on foot he would not involve her or any member of h family in the dangers of the enterpre.

One great regret filled h hearthe absence of h brother William.

The twins were rarely apart from each other, and th vit to Chiddingly lacked but th one thing for Ralphs perfect happiness h brother had been compelled to remain in London, where h uncle, Sir John, required h services and personal attendance.

A dim grey light filled the eastern horizon on the Wednesday morning as Ralph made h way to the stables, where he saddled h stout cob.

He bore no weaponot even the customary rapier without which he rarely went abroador th enterpre was to be carried through without bloodshed upon that point he was determined.

H followers would all carry single-sticks, a formidable weapon enough in the hands of a Sus rustic!

Round h wat he had begirt himself with a long and strong cordestined for a special purpose.

Presently he mounted h horse and proceeded at a gentle pace towards the woods h men, he knew, were gone on ahead.

A bright red light suffused the eastern sky, the sun was about to re, and the twittering of countless birds from every copse filled the air with sweet music.

A summer mt lay on the meadowland, and big drops of dew bedecked the leaves of the hazel bushes, gleaming under the rosy light like rubies.

Suddenly the sun rose above the horizon into a cloudless sky, and the day had be.

It was a lovely morning, not a cloud flecked the bright azure of the sky.

On h left hand ran the long line of the Sus downs in graceful outlineing at Firle Beacon to a lofty height of some seven hundred feet.

Before him lay the dense forest, the deep embowered shades of Chiddingly woods.

Ralph was in high spirits, and as h stout cob gaily cantered along the trackway he broke into song, as if in emulation of the sweet-toned larks ring into the deep-blue sky on quivering wing.

He was now nearing the point of the rendezvous, and he checked h song as he cht sight of one of h stalwarts trudging along in front of him.

You are in good time, Roger, he cried to the man as he overtook him.

Yes, Mr. William, and the others are all in front of me. I am the rear-guard.

Good, cried Ralph, but tell me, Roger, why do you call me Mr. Williamlas, he not here.

I beg your pardon, sir, replied the man with a lh. I thought for the moment that Mr. William had joined ust was your grey cap which mled me.

Ralph pulled the cap from h head and looked at it with an air of astonhment.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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