




濮阳售后处理更换表链宝玑I think you are dtressing yourself needlessly, my friend, answered the Ambassador, for let me tell you that th very day the Pursuivant was taken to the Fleet that he might see the proner as he took h daily exerce in the yard. He saw him, and was instantly convinced that William was the man who had assaulted him in Chiddingly wood. Moreover, we have no reason to suppose that he aware of Ralphs extence.

I am afraid that the last-named circumstance too well known both in London and at Lewes, interposed the Lord Mayor, especially since the occurrence of the gallant epode on the Thames. I begin to think that Sir Johns fears are well founded, and that after all our west course would be to send Ralph across the water, and that instantly he now quite strong enough to travel.

Sir John smiled sadly as he repliedPgt

You do not know my two nephews sufficiently well, my Lord Mayor, if you think that scheme possible. Let me tell you that they are so linked together in brotherly love that Ralph would never consent to save h own life if thereby he endangered Williams safety. Nay, more, let me assure you that if our plans failed, and William were condemned, Ralph would at once make a full confession to the authorities.

They are tw, cried Don Renard, with generous enthusiasm, equally great in love and strife have no fear for them, my dear Sir John. Heaven will not suffer them to pass their young lives in a pron cell!

Thus the friendly conclave debated until the hour grew late, and the heavy air within the library became oppressive.

As night had deepened the sultry atmosphere had given place to storm and tempest, and a heavy rain was falling.

The lights had grown dim, but the noble proportions of the library were almost continuously lit up by the flashes of lightning, and the deep diapason of the rolling thunder shook the ancient Inn.

The serving men of the friends in Council were awaiting their masters with carriages in the Square, and as St. Pauls clock struck the hour of midnight Sir Johns guests took their departure.

The day had already be which was big with fate for the twin brothers!

The storm was abating, and Sir John stood at the open window watching the fleeting clouds and the occasional glimmer of stars emerging from the gloom. A light step across the thickly carpeted floor did not catch h ear, but a caressing arm thrown round h neck told him that Susan was there.

To rest, dear uncle, to rest, said she for th day will bring thee labour and toil for body and mind!

Yet tell me briefly, does all go wello our friends give us cause to hope for the best

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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