




新乡表换表镜雅克德罗To-day h sombre face had a marked expression of sternness, which underwent a sudden change as the Cardinal bent towards him and whpered something in h ear. Arundel was ltening to the Cardinal with unwonted deference, and h grim features relaxed into a friendly smile as he made reply in low tones.

From the bench where he sat Sir Johns keen eyes had noted that both these illustrious judges were bending close, inquitorial glances on the boy proner he was evidently the subject of their secret dcourse.

The Chancellor seems to be in a stern frame of mind to-day, whpered Sir John to Sir Philip Broke.

I have seen him look yet more fierce, replied the Master of the Rolls. I was with him on the day when he arrested h brother-in-law the Duke of Northumberland, when the gleam of h dark eyes struck terror into the Dukes soul!

But be of good courage, Sir John mark how the Cardinals gentle smile thawing h icy reserve, and remember h Eminence hath promed Don Renard to give us all the aid in h power.

Thank God for that!

whpered Sir John in reply.

Cardinal Reginald Pole, Archbhop of Canterbury, was perhaps the foremost Englhman of h age.

An artocrat of the finest type, with the rthe Plantagenets in h veins, he was, above all things, an ecclesiastic of stainless life and reputation.

Those who differed from him toto clo in religious matters were eager to acknowledge h incorruptibility and devotion to duty.

Men remembered how boldly he had withstood the threats and cajoleries of King Henry VIII how, later, he had shown a bold front to the itself, and to the most dreaded tribunal in the world, the Holy Office!

There was something eminently pleasing and attractive in the face, bearing and physique of the great Cardinal. Notwithstanding h long sojourn in foreign lands, he was a typical Englhman.

He wore h hair longt hung in profusion on h broad shoulders, and, like h long bushy beard, was of a rich brown colour.

H fine expressive face was somewhat colourless, but it was lit up by the deep-blue eyes of the Plantagenet raceyes which at times gleamed with tenderness and pity.

He was spare in body, and h hands were as small and as delicately shaped as those of a woman.

The whpered conversation between the Chancellor and the Cardinal had come to an end, and for a moment a deep silence brooded in the Court.

Then, at a signal from Lord Arundel, the Clerk of the Court rose and called on the case which was occupying the minds of all men present.

The Queen v. William Jefferay proner at the bar, he cried in loud tones, you are charged that on the 17th of July last you committed an assault upon the Queens Pursuivant how say youre you guilty or not guilty

William bowed low to the Chancellor, and in subdued but dtinct tones repliedPgt

Not guilty, my Lord.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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