




焦作机械表走快原因浪琴The dock-master bridled up somewhat.

It addressed to me, he said, but I have it with me and you are welcome to see it and therewith he handed the document to the punctilious Captain, who hastily perused it.

As he read the names of the three gentlemen therein set forth, he started as he saw that of Geoffrey de Fynes, and h manner of bearing underwent a sudden change.

Which of you gentlemen Mr. Geoffrey de Fynes he inquired.

Geoffrey bowed slightly in reply.

Of Herstmonceux in the County of Sus inquired the Captain.

My father was Baron Dacres of Herstmonceux, said Geoffrey.

I welcome you on board my ship, said Don Gonzaga warmly, as he held out h hand, which Geoffrey took courteously. My father was the Spanh Ambassador at the Court of King Henry the Eighth, continued the Captain, and your father, Baron Dacres, was h bosom friend I venture to hope that a like bond may unite their sons!

Now come to my cabin, gentlemen, for in a few minutes we start for Cala.

Then they bade farewell to the worthy Herr Van der Luhys and followed Gonzaga to h cabin. It was the state room of the ship, luxuriously furnhed.

Make th cabin your own, gentlemen, while you do me the honour of remaining on the Santa Trinadad, said the Captain. And now I must hasten on deck, he continued we are just moving out, and with a bow he left them.

It was n the Englhmen ascended to the deck, eager to see the country through which they were passing. The sun was shining brightly on the broad, deep waters of the Scheldt as the noble ship slowly threaded its way out of the crowded port of Antwerp. Soon the majestic city faded out of sight, and on each side of the river a flat and somewhat desolate landscape extended itself.

There were broad meadows, reclaimed from the sea, on which great droves of oxen were pastured there were innumerable wind-mills and quaint Dutch farm-houses. Occasionally a village came in sight with a metal-sheathed spire ring from its midst. Soon Flushing was reached, the pilot was dropped and the vessel was in the open sea, under full sail.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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