




濮阳机械表不走了名士The warders within the building were doubled in number, and a strong party of halberdiers kept order in the purlieus of Westminster.

The reason of th dplay of force was soon manifested.

From the Temple and from Grays Inn the young law students had assembled in great strength, and with them were the prentices from the City, brandhing their clubs and evidently eager for a fray.

Among the young limbs of the law the twin brothers were well known, and their recent exploit on the Thames had raed their popularity to a burning heat, while the prentices found sufficient justification for their presence in the fact that Sir John Jefferay was the Member of Parliament for the City, and h cause was theirs also.

As the Pursuivant and h men made their way towards the Chamber, protected by a strong body of armed men, curses loud and deep were hurled at them from a thousand throats.

A sudden change to cheering and hurrahing took place as the multitude recognized the Treasurer of Grays Inn and the Master of the Rolls, who were passing through the streets in company.

London had seldom been so agitatedor was the excitement lessened when the halberdiers were strengthened by some troops of the Household Guards from Whitehall. Inside the Chambers many of the notabilities of the Court had gathered together, and when the judges entered it, it was noted that nearly the whole of its ust body of members was present.

By the side of Cardinal Pole sat the Bhop of London, Edmund Bonner, a Prelate whose attendance at th Court was a rare event.

But behind them sat a figure upon whom all eyes were fixedt was King Philip.

He was dressed in a suit of black velvet without ornament of any kind, yet its dark hue was somewhat relieved by the spotless whiteness of the lace which bedecked h neck and wrts.

He was of moderate stature and very spare in body. H long oval face was somewhat colourless, he wore a beard and moustache of a sandy colour. H large piercing eyes were of a sombre blue, the mouth large, with heavy hanging lip and protruding lower jaw. H demeanour was still and silent, tinged with a Castilian hhtiness. Philip was thirty years of age at th period, but men would have given him credit for a longer record perhaps the cares of h world-wide sovereignty had made him prematurely old.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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