




安阳手表表盘划痕NOMOSWar had been declared with all due form and ceremony between England and France, and King Philip was now eager to return to the Continent.

He had obtained from Mary all the asstance she could wring from reluctant England.

For though the Queen entered with all her heart and soul into h projects, as became the dhter of Catharine of Aragon, Englh people felt that th was no quarrel of theirs, and they remembered that when the Spanh match was hotly debated, a provion had been made in the royal contract that England should not be made a party to Philips Continental wars.

During the four months that he had been in England the King had exerted himself strenuously to overcome th reluctance, and he had so far succeeded that a well-equipped contingent of eight thousand stalwart Englhmen had joined h army.

Lords Pembroke, Clinton and Gray were in chief command of their countrymen, and many a gallant young high-born Englhman had joined the force, eager to gain military renown.

Such was the feeling, undoubtedly, that influenced the three sons of the Earl of Northumberland to accompany it, and similar hopes beat high in the breasts of the two Jefferays and Geoffrey de Fynes.

The King took h last adieu of Mary at the old palace of Greenwich he was never to see the fond, forsaken woman again!

Poor Mary, who would not pity her

Philip hastened to Brussels, where the great army was assembling which was to invade France and bring King Henry the Second to h knees.

It was a motley army, consting altogether of thirty-five thousand foot and twelve thousand horse, besides a strong train of artillery.

The flower of the infantry was drawn from Spain, Spanh warriors of great experience, and bearing a reputation second to none in the world.

The Englh force was entirely made up of foot soldiers, the cavalry of the army being mercenary troops from Germany, known as Schwartzreiters.

These reiters were the most dreaded troops of the age. Dark, swarthy men, of whom Brantme speaks as noirs comme de beaux diables, each carrying five or six ptolets in h belt, with swords and, sometimes, a short arquebus.

Truly a formidable armament!

These were mented by a fine corps of Burdian lances, and a great number of noble Castilian youths, eager to fight for the honour of Spain under the eye of their King.

The whole army was under the command of Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, a youthful warrior of but twenty-nine years of age, yet possessing already a great reputation as a clever, dashing soldier.

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