




洛阳指定维修点宇舶Yesterday, my lords, I was not aware of the extraordinary likeness which exts between the twin brothers Mr. William and Mr. Ralph Jefferay, a likeness so wonderful that no man may tell them apart but by some sign or symbol. One of my witnesses, who a Lewes man and knows the Jefferays well by sight, informed me of th fact when the verdict of acquittal was given in th Court yesterday. The sign of dtinction between the brothers a very simple oner. William always wears a grey cap and Mr. Ralph a blue one. Now on the occasion of the assault I solemnly swore that my assailant, Ralph Jefferay, the proner, wore a grey cap, whether by design or accident I cannot say, hence the mtake of identity.

The Pursuivant sat down with a malignant gleam of satfaction in h fierce black eyes.

There was silence in the Court and the judges consulted with each other presently the Chancellor spoke.

The Court would fain see these wonderful brothers side by side, he said. Mr. William Jefferay here

The Clerk of the Court beckoned to Sir John Jefferay, who stood near to him, and, after a brief conversation, saidPgt

Mr. William Jefferay now at Grays Inn, but he can be brought hither in a short time, my lord.

Let him be sent for, replied the Chancellor.

During the interval in the proceedings men talked freely in low voices it was marked that an air of gloom and despondency sat upon the faces of the friends of the Jefferays.

Suddenly there was a rustling movement in the gangway of the Court, and a dead silence ensued as William Jefferay was perceived in the hands of the officers of the Court, who were leading him towards the dock.

Place them side by side, commanded the Chancellor.

William entered the dock and stood beside h brother. The brothers looked into each others face with a quiet air, in which sadness and love bore equal part they clasped hands and so faced the Court.

Even in that ust presence a murmur of admiration and sympathy, closely mingled, ran through the assembly.

There was no further need of words or explanation, it was evident to all why the first trial had mcarried, how the Pursuivant had made h great mtake.

It enough, let Mr. William Jefferay step down, said the President.

Yes, it was enough, there remained now but the dread sentence to be pronounced.

The judges briefly consulted then the Chancellor arose and, amid an ominous silence, saidPgt

The Court finds the proner guilty, and its sentence that the proner pay a fine of five thousand pounds, that he stand in pillory at Tyburn for one day, and that h ears be clipped by the common hangman, and that he remain in pron for three yearsod save the Queen!

Then occurred a startling interruption, the proner spoke.

I am guilty of assault, my Lord, he cried, but, before God and High Heaven, I am no conspirator I, also, cry God save the Queen!

Then he sat down.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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